La clasificación anual en sostenibilidad corporativa sitúa a Prologis en el #6 lugar entre las compañías de EE. UU.
Madrid, 21 de enero de 2020—Prologis, Inc., líder global en inmuebles logísticos, ha sido nombrada la mejor compañía real estate en la Lista de las 100 Empresas Más Sostenibles de 2020 en el Mundo. El anuncio ha tenido lugar en el Foro Económico Mundial en Davos (Suiza).
Considerada ampliamente como la evaluación en materia de sostenibilidad más relevante del mundo, Global 100 es administrado por Corporate Knights, empresa especializada en medios y una firma analista de inversiones, con sede en Toronto, que clasifica a las empresas globales que cotizan en bolsa, mediante amplias métricas relacionadas con la gestión ambiental y la responsabilidad social y buen gobierno (ESG).
“This recognition demonstrates our leadership not only in real estate but across a spectrum of diverse global companies,” said Prologis chief legal officer and ESG head Edward S. Nekritz. “We remain steadfast about our commitment to and focus on industry-leading innovation.”
"Este reconocimiento demuestra nuestro liderazgo no solo en el sector inmobiliario, sino en un espectro de diversas compañías globales", ha afirmado el Director jurídico de Prologis y resposable de ESG, Edward S. Nekritz. "Nos mantenemos firmes en nuestro compromiso y enfoque liderar la innovación en del sector".
El análisis de Corporate Knights comprende una rigurosa evaluación de 7.395 empresas frente a empresas especializadas del mismo sector a nivel global, en un conjunto de hasta 21 indicadores de rendimiento clave a nivel cuantitativo (entre ellos, emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, ingresos limpios, diversidad de liderazgo e ingresos) ponderados para reflejar el perfil de impacto de cada industria.
"Las empresas que forman parte del Global 100 muestran aquellas firmas que ponen la sostenibilidad en el centro de su negocio y superan a la competencia", ha declarado Toby Heaps, CEO de Corporate Knights.
Para ver información detallada sobre la metodología aplicada en la edición de 2020, por favor visite:
Prologis, Inc, es el líder global del sector inmologístico con especial enfoque en mercados con alta barrera de entrada y alto crecimiento. A fecha de 30 de septiembre de 2019, Prologis había realizado inversiones, sobre base consolidada o a través de joint ventures no consolidados, en propiedades y proyectos de desarrollo por un total de aproximadamente 797 millones de pies cuadrados (74 millones de metros cuadrados) en 19 países. La empresa arrienda modernas instalaciones de distribución a una base de aproximadamente 5.100 clientes correspondientes a dos principales categorías: business to business y retail/online.
The statements in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about the industry and markets in which we operate as well as management's beliefs and assumptions. Such statements involve uncertainties that could significantly impact our financial results. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," and "estimates," including variations of such words and similar expressions, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. All statements that address operating performance, events or developments that we expect or anticipate will occur in the future — including statements relating to rent and occupancy growth, development activity, contribution and disposition activity, general conditions in the geographic areas where we operate, our debt, capital structure and financial position, our ability to form new co-investment ventures and the availability of capital in existing or new co-investment ventures — are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Although we believe the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be attained and, therefore, actual outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in such forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that may affect outcomes and results include, but are not limited to: (i) national, international, regional and local economic and political climates; (ii) changes in global financial markets, interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates; (iii) increased or unanticipated competition for our properties; (iv) risks associated with acquisitions, dispositions and development of properties; (v) maintenance of real estate investment trust status, tax structuring and changes in income tax laws and rates; (vi) availability of financing and capital, the levels of debt that we maintain and our credit ratings; (vii) risks related to our investments in our co-investment ventures, including our ability to establish new co-investment ventures; (viii) risks of doing business internationally, including currency risks; (ix) environmental uncertainties, including risks of natural disasters; and (x) those additional factors discussed in reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by us under the heading "Risk Factors." We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statements appearing in this document except as may be required by law.
Mònica Faro
Email: [email protected] - Tel: 91 458 54 90
Víctor Castell
Email: [email protected] - Tel: 93 635 05 00
Toni Vázquez
Email: [email protected] - Tel: 93 635 05 00
Nathalie Triolet
Email: [email protected] - Tel: +33 (0)1 48 14 54 51